Heart Health Tips

The first and foremost among heart health tips is that better lifestyle habits can help you reduce your risk for heart attack. You are what you eat. Better food habits can help you reduce your risk for heart attack. A healthy eating plan means choosing the right foods to eat and preparing foods in a healthy way.

Follow the Ten easy heart health tips to a healthier heart. You can reduce the chances of a heart attack by 90 percent.

To begin with, walk 30 minutes a day everyday, no matter what. Find a person who's supportive and will not nag and will call you if you haven't called him/her. It is crucial to call someone everyday. That's the real commitment.

The next in the line of heart health tips is to know your blood pressure and do whatever it takes to get it down to 115/75.You can have the blood pressure down to 115/75 with just weight loss, walking and decreasing sugar and saturated fat in your diet.

Include 30 grams of nuts a day in your diet. Nuts raise HDL good cholesterol and decrease inflammation. But they have a heart benefit independent of those too. Nuts have healthy omega-3 fatty acids, healthy protein and some fiber. And this is one of the heart health tips is easy to do. Nuts that are raw, fresh and unsalted have the most benefit.

The fourth of the heart health tips is to learn your HDL (Good Cholesterol) number and do what you can to raise it to 50.For women; some believe a high HDL is more important than a lower LDL (Bad Cholesterol). The easy ways to increase it: exercise; have one drink a day; eat healthy fats such as safflower oil and nuts.

Eat 10 tablespoons of tomato sauce a week. This is one of my favorite heart health tips. Tomato sauce is loaded with blood pressure slashing potassium.

Floss the teeth regularly to avoid periodontal disease. It prevents inflammation in the arteries, which helps us head off heart disease. Many of us are unaware that our oral health affects all our arterial health, and that includes blood flow to the heart and sexual organs, and may be even wrinkles on our skin.

Eat no more than 20 grams of saturated fat a day and as little trans fat as possible to avoid inflammation in the arteries.

Don't be fooled by foods that are low in fat but high in sugar. Read labels and throw out all food that has sugar as an important ingredient. The sugar causes inflammation and if you use more sugar than you need, it gets morphed into omentum fat, that dangerous fat around the belly.

One of the welcome heart health tips is to have a glass of wine or beer. It is a consistent finding that teetotalers have a higher risk of heart disease than people who drink a little, and people who drink a lot have little heart disease but tend to die of cancer. Though there are serious dangers to drinking, any kind of alcohol in moderation is good for arteries.

Finally, eat several servings of colorful fruits and vegetables a day. Include a lot of fiber, and do not increase to that amount all at once. Make sure the produce is fresh and wash it carefully and thoroughly.

Even if the first seven of the tips is followed (Make sure you don't smoke), you will reduce the chance of a heart attack by 90 percent compared to a typical person your age.

Neglected Health Tips

There are many places to find a good health tip, whether it is on the internet or in a book. I am going to go over a few different tips that are important, but sometimes neglected. As I say in most of my health and fitness articles, the tips I give are not hard or boring. They will make getting healthy and fit an easy thing to do. You will be surprised.

Something that will help you out is adding some kind of fitness into your life. It does not have to be strenuous or tiring by any means. It can be as simple as taking a walk around your block. Adding this into your schedule helps out on so many levels. It gives you a chance to get outside and breathe some fresh air. It helps keep your body active, many different muscle will keep stimulated. Walking outside also gives you a chance to open up your chest and breathe deep. A lot of people that I talk too, that use walking in their daily routine, tell me it not only does wonders for their body, but also for their mind. They say that being outside alone gives them time to think and really clear their mind of stress. Give it a try; with this simple good health tip you will notice a great difference.

A pretty self-explanatory good health tip is to stop eating out. I'm not saying that every place that you eat out is unhealthy, but chances are that the majority of them are not good for your health. Usually 'eat out' places tend to use a lot of processed foods and contain tons of salts. If you do find yourself at a fast food place, try and eat one of their healthy alternatives. Now, even the most unhealthy food restaurants will have a couple of healthy choices on their menu.

Another tip comes with one simple and common word, water. Yes water; the majority of people, young and old, don't get their daily water requirements. Again, a very simple good health tip that works wonders. Start drinking more water instead of the regular sugary drinks. Examples are coffee, soda, and juice. Of course it is unrealistic to cut these things out of your diet completely but instead try to exchange some of them for water. Somewhere around 8 cups of water a day is a healthy amount. Get in the routine of having water with you. If you have water with you, there is no need to go and buy a liter of soda from the corner store.

My last good health tip comes with little explanation. When you eat, please eat slowly. Most people eat like wild animals. Enjoy your food and let your body take it with ease, don't force it all down and let your body have to suffer. You'll notice when you eat slower that you won't be eating as much. Eating slow will give your body a chance to tell you when it is full, instead of eating it all up quickly and your body not having a chance to tell you to stop. Eat slowly, your food will taste better!!